The Adventures of Donnie and Sammie
Since giving my notice here at work, I've had ample stating around time. I mean clearly, they're not going to give me a hell of a lot of work what with me leaving next Friday and all. And smart on their part. I don't mind doing the work, it helps move the day along. But at this point I almost wonder if I could dress my friends Sammy and Donnie in some of my Forever 21/American Apparel clothing, leave them here at my desk, and head for the hills.
I think Sammie and Donnie would have a lot of fun playing at my desk. Banging on my keyboard as they check their myspace profiles, update their blogs, email friends about how much pasta they ate for lunch today. They could also go onto and search for apartments they'll probably never be able to afford at their modeling rate.
Speaking of their modeling rate, what a couple of catches eh? eh?