SJ GLO - do you like it?? It's my new moniker after my second album "drops" and I break up with Puffy. So my friends, it would appear that yours truly is radioactive. How radioactive you ask? Well let me put it this way: I needed a note from Mount Sinai in case my mother and I got stopped by police on our way over the Triboro Bridge. I apparently am giving off fantastic rays of some nature. Too bad it's not New Years. Surely I would have been attacked by a mob of po-lice on my way to the car. So I swallowed a pill and have to stay away from other humans for the next week. Well it's not as bad as it sounds....really. I mean other than the fact that when I urinate I have to flush twice; the nurse fed me my pill with three rubber gloves and a tweezer; my parents threw my dinner at me like I was a trained seal; the dogs sense the evil and are keeping their distance - all in all it hasn't been that awful. They say that the first 48 hours are the worst. After that people need to stay about an arms length, but see in my family we are all tiny so it should be like two or three arms length. I also cannot be near people for a long extended period of time. Well there goes my one chance to get back in touch with God and go to church. Ah well big fella, there's always Easter. (insert obnoxious snickering here)